Public affairs consultancy
Com’Publics provides advice to companies, professional organisations, associations and institutions and supports them in developing institutional communications and lobbying strategies towards French (national and local) and EU policymakers.
We work on all aspects of interest representation, from the development of lobbying strategies and the design of influence tools to their implementation at the local (régions, départements, intercommunalités, villes), national (French government, parliament, administrations) and EU level.
Our expertise:
• political, institutional, legislative, regulatory, media and competitive landscape monitoring
• stakeholder identification and mapping
• audits and studies
• strategies for developing institutional relationships
• development and animation of networks of influence
• legislative and regulatory lobbying
• institutional communications: drafting of briefing materials, speaking points, positions papers, publishing of institutional material (white papers, proceedings, etc.)
• event organisation: working meetings, breakfast and diners, roundtables, events at trade fairs, etc.
Coalition lobbying
Our renowned expertise
Based on the observation that even the best proposals need to be defended, Com'Publics has initiated a new way of practicing lobbying by developing thematic think & do tanks. These think & do tanks are coalition lobbying spaces that gather companies (regardless of their size), professional federations or associations, institutions, local authorities, NGOs and local and national policymakers.
Through these think & do tanks, Com'Publics creates favourable conditions for a dialogue between all stakeholders with the aim of developing innovative and concrete proposals.
The think & do tanks are coordinated by Com’Publics consultants, who put their energy and know-how at the service of the goal pursued by each stakeholder coalition.
Today, Com'Publics has set up and runs a number of think & do tanks :
Club Cœur de ville
Club Cœur de ville
Launched in 2020 alongside François Lamy, the former Minister for Urban Affairs, the Club Cœur de Ville aims to create the conditions necessary for the revitalisation of medium-sized towns through a forum for discussion between elected representatives, businesses and institutions on day-to-day issues (housing, retail, etc.). This Club represents a unique opportunity for all the players involved (elected representatives, financial partners, craftsmen and shopkeepers, etc.) to discuss and work together.
Some fifteen towns are members of the Club: Montargis, La-Roche-sur-Yon, Dole, Sablé- sur-Sarthe etc.
Various private stakeholders have also joined the initiative: Demathieu & Bard, Groupe REALITES, GB2A, Arkéa Banque Entreprises & Institutionnels
Public-Private Partnerships Club
Public-Private Partnerships Club
The Club des Partenariats Public-Privé (Public-Private Partnerships Club) was set up in November 2005 in response to a real need for better information and communication to make the Partnership Contract established by the Order of 17 June 2004, now replaced by the Partnership Contract, more accessible and easier to understand.
The Club is a genuine link between government communications, the expectations of local decision-makers and the needs of businesses. Its aim is also to encourage and develop exchanges between these stakeholders by stepping up the sharing of experience through educational communications, particularly with public authority managers. The Club is committed to promoting modern investment that brings the private sector into public projects.
The Club has always maintained close links with all the ministries involved in this public procurement tool.
For the past year, the Club des PPP and the Cercle Energie & Territoires have been running an educational initiative on the deferred payment global energy performance contract. Through a tour of France's regions, the Club, the Cercle and their partners (energy suppliers, financiers, project managers and builders) are meeting local public decision-makers to inform them about this new public procurement tool designed to speed up the energy renovation of public buildings.
Members :
Arkéa Banque E&I ; Demathieu & Bard ; EGF ; Engie Solutions ; Equans ; FEDENE ; Groupe Duval ; Fin Infra ; GB2A ; IGD ; SNCF réseau ; Vinci Construction France
Green Cars Club + mobilités & territoires
Green Cars Club + mobilités & territoires
Created in 2007, the CVE gathers economic players offering solutions to limit the health and environmental impact of our journeys. Its aim is to develop the energy mix in transport, and to encourage our fellow citizens to choose vehicles and mobility practices that are best suited to their means and needs. It brings together manufacturers, energy providers & infrastructure deployment, mobility services, banks, insurers, associations & foundations.
mobilités & territoires is committed to organising these exchanges on a regular basis with local public decision-makers.
Members : CFBP ; TOYOTA ; EDF ; Symbio ; Michelin ; BMW ; France Hydrogène ; Mobilité Hydrogène France ; MOBIVIA ; Jaguar ; Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco ; Chambre Syndicale Internationale de l'Automobile et du Motocycle (CSIAM) ; CGB Collective Bioéthanol ; FNE.
Lightweight aluminium and steel packaging Club
Lightweight aluminium and steel packaging Club
The Club de l'Emballage Léger en Aluminium et en Acier (CELAA) brings together producers of aluminium and steel packaging, recycling operators and marketers who share the ambition of improving the recycling of metal packaging. CELAA works closely with local authorities and sorting centres daily to help them equip their facilities and communicate on the correct sorting practices to adopt.
In 2014, CELAA launched the Metal Project alongside the Association of French Mayors and Eco-Emballages. This initiative aims to improve the sorting and recycling of aluminium and steel packaging through technical optimisation of sorting centres and the extension of sorting instructions. Our aim is to ensure that all French people can dispose of all their metal packaging, whatever its size, in the selective collection bin.
For more d'information :
Members : Alfyma ; Bel ; Café Royal, Coca-Cola European Partners ; France Aluminium Reyclage ; Jacob Douwe Egberts ; La Boite Boisson ; Nespresso.
Home Ownership Club
Home Ownership Club
Since 2009, the Club de l'Accession à la Propriété has provided a forum for discussion and dialogue between operators in the housing and construction sector and public decision-makers. Our network of partners represents the entire value chain, from developers to builders, planners, banks, landlords and federations, working together to promote a proactive home ownership policy in France.
Members : Action Logement Services, Groupe Arcade-Vyv, Arkéa Banque Entreprises & Institutionnels, Demathieu Bard Immobilier, CDC Habitat, Eiffage Immobilier, Fédération des entreprises sociales pour l’habitat, Fédération des promoteurs immobiliers, Groupe Gambetta, Groupe La Poste, Sofiap, Pôle Habitat FFB, MDH Promotion, Groupe REALITES, REI Habitat, RLF, Union des Industriels et Constructeurs Bois et biosourcés, VINCI Construction
Club de la Table française
Club de la Table française
Founded : May 2009
The Club de la Table française federates a solid network of elected representatives, interbranch organisations, federations, associations and businesses, and facilitates exchanges to promote French culinary heritage, agriculture, food products diversity, terroirs and know-how.
The Club encourages a positive and enthusiastic approach to French food, highlighting the importance of eating habits, conviviality and sharing, pleasure and taste. Three pillars are at the heart of the Club's action:
- promoting French gastronomy as an economic asset;
- the cultural and heritage dimension of French food;
- passing on this heritage to future generations and abroad.
Members :
ADEPALE ; ASFOREST ; AG2R La Mondiale ; Agridées ; APCA - Assemblée Permanente des Chambres d'Agriculture ; Association des Brasseurs de France ; Atout France ; Bacardi-Martini ; Biocoop ; Calixir ; CFBCT : Confédération Française de la Boucherie, Boucherie-Charcuterie, Traiteurs ; Chambre Syndicale Française de la Levure ; CIFOG - Comité Interprofessionnel du Foie Gras ; CNPO : Comité National pour la Promotion de l’Œuf ; Comité Francéclat ; Confédération des Arts de la Table ; Confédération nationale de la boulangerie française ; CSEM ; Cuisiniers de la République ; Fédération Française des Spiritueux ; FERRANDI Paris ; FICT : Fédération française des industriels charcutiers traiteurs ; FNSEA ; Fromagers de France ; GNI ; Semae ; Groupe Hervé ; Groupe Invivo ; Interprochasse ; La Galerie des Millésimes ; Maîtres cuisiniers de France ; Marché International de Rungis ; MÉTRO ; MFPCA - Mission Française du Patrimoine et des Cultures Alimentaires ; Nestlé ; Pernod Ricard ; Société des Meilleurs Ouvriers de France ; UNIJUSWebsite :
Club France Terre de Tourisme
Club France Terre de Tourisme
Created in 2009, the Club France Terre de Tourisme is a think & do tank which aims to create a space for constructive dialogue between political leaders and economic players. Its aim is to encourage the emergence and adoption of ideas to promote and support the diversity of tourism. It brings together its partners and public decision-makers who share the ambition that France should adopt a sustainable tourism policy and governance that match the potential of its territories.
Members :
Comité de Tourisme et de Loisirs d’Occitanie, Fédération Nationale de l’Hôtellerie de Plein Air (FNHPA), Fédération Nationale des Résidences de Tourismes et apparthotels (FNRT), Groupement national des hôtelleries et restaurations de France (GHR), Paris Je T’aime (Office de tourisme de Paris)
Last mile delivery Club (CDKL)
Last mile delivery Club (CDKL)
Co-founded in 2012 with the Groupement des Autorités Responsables de Transport (GART), CDKL brings together economic players with solutions to limit the impact of urban logistics, and to encourage public authorities to promote their deployment. Its aim is to develop the energy mix and solutions for deliveries and goods transport. It brings together manufacturers, energy companies & infrastructure deployment, mobility services, banks, insurers, associations & foundations.
Members :
Concerto ; ENGIE Solutions ; Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco ; France Mobilité Biogaz, France Nature Environnement (FNE) ; CDC Banque des Territoires ; Michelin ; Mobivia ; Retrofleet ; Rungis (Semmaris) ; Scania ; Symbio ; WatéaClub Eaux de Terroirs
Club Eaux de Terroirs
Launched in November 2020, the Club Eaux de Terroirs aims to highlight the diversity and quality of French natural mineral waters. With its 88 springs, France has a unique hydrogeological heritage that needs to be promoted. To this end, the Club Eaux de Terroirs brings together various ambassadors for the product - mineral producers, mayors, members of parliament, chefs and sommeliers - whose testimonials highlight the history, terroir and taste of each natural mineral water.
Member :
Groupe Neptune.Club of Mayors for Urban Renewal
Club of Mayors for Urban Renewal
Since 2011, the Club des Maires de la Rénovation Urbaine et des Présidents d'EPCI (Club of Mayors for Urban Renewal and Chairmen of Public Establishments for Intercommunal Co-operation) has aimed to create dialogue between elected representatives who have signed an ANRU agreement, in order to reflect on the future of the urban renewal policy and its sustainability. The Club is fully committed to promoting exchanges and best practices. It is also a forum for questioning national elected representatives and public authorities in general, with a view to deepening urban renewal policies in France and ensuring that the massive investment in urban renewal policies by the State, its partners and local authorities continues. Club members are exclusively elected representatives.
40 cities and EPCIs are members of the Club, including the cities of Rennes, Metz, Dreux, Montpellier, Toulouse, Châteauroux, etc.
MedAfrique Public-Private Partnerships Club
MedAfrique Public-Private Partnerships Club
The MedAfrique PPP Club was created in 2011 to carry out the same work undertaken by the Club PPP in France. The Club's aim is to promote PPPs in French-speaking African countries and around the Mediterranean, and to encourage inter-regional exchanges to develop public infrastructure through PPPs.
The Club is mainly present in West Africa, particularly in Morocco and Mauritania via various local Clubs.
The Club is present in many countries to discuss public infrastructure issues and the benefits of PPPs (Morocco, Côte d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Senegal, Mauritania, etc.). The Club is also regularly present in Africa to take part in and host conferences such as the African Infrastructure Forum, MEDays and the Africa PPP Forum.
Members :
Banque Nationale de Mauritanie, BGFIBank, CEPROD, Fidal, GB2A, Semmaris, StOA Infra & EnergyFor more information :
Morocco Public-Private Partnerships Club
Morocco Public-Private Partnerships Club
Founded : December 2012
The Morocco Public-Private Partnerships Club aims to develop information and communication around public-private partnerships in Morocco. Mohammed Ouanaya, Managing Director of DPC and General Delegate of the Club, oversees the Club alongside Com'Publics.
Members :
BMCE Bank ; CDG Capital Infrastructures ; CGEM ; Clifford Chance ; Colas ; DGCL ; DEPP ; Fidal ; Infra Invest ; Jet Contractors...Club Made in France
Club Made in France
Founded : April 2012
Set up at the time of the presidential elections, the Club has set itself the goal of keeping the debate about producing in France alive and of being a breeding ground for ideas on the subject. Its aim is to raise the profile of companies that have chosen to produce in France among public decision-makers, and to contribute to regulatory and legislative changes that will promote Made in France products and industries.
Sea & Ocean Club
Sea & Ocean Club
Founded : March 2013
The Sea & Ocean Club aims to restore the sea to its rightful place in the French and European parliamentary debate as an energy and fisheries resource, a diplomatic zone and an area to be preserved.
Members :
Armateurs de France ; Association Océanides CESM ; Cluster Martime Français ; Etat major de la Marine ; European Network of Maritime Clusters ; Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco ; Institut océanographique ; Fondation Albert 1er de Monaco ; Magellan ; Tara expéditionsWood & Forest Club
Wood & Forest Club
Founded : 2011
The aim of the Club is to promote the recognition of the forestry and timber industry in France. It brings together professionals and public decision-makers to discuss key issues and projects. Its work focuses on specific issues such as adapting to climate change, forestry, developing uses for wood (energy, construction, furniture and fittings, etc.) and decarbonising the economy.
Members : France Bois Forêt, Dalkia, l'Ameublement français
Ageing Well Club
Ageing Well Club
The Club aims to create a dynamic for constructive dialogue between political leaders and economic players, in order to promote the economic and social development of the quality of life in old age.
Because adapting society to an ageing population has become both socially necessary and economically promising, the Club's aim is to keep the debate going and to be a driving force behind proposals on this subject, on an ongoing basis at the highest level. Its ambition is to make ageing a major concern for public authorities.
Members :
AD-PA (Association des Directeurs au service des Personnes Agées) ; AÉSIO Mutuelle ; Arkea Banque Entreprises et Institutionnels ; Conseil national des établissements thermaux (CNETh) ; Enerlis ; Fedesap (Fédération des Services à la Personne et de Proximité) ; FNADEPA (Fédération Nationale des Associations de Directeurs d'Établissements et Services pour Personnes Agées) ; Groupe France Seniors ; INCOMED ; KORIAN ; Les Senioriale ; Réalités Life + ; Saveurs & Vie ; Union Saint-Martin ; Vinci ; Virage ViagerFrench breakfast Club
French breakfast Club
Founded : 2014
Following the publication of various studies showing a decline in the number of people eating breakfast, even though it is essential to have the energy we need to get through the day, the players in the breakfast sector have joined forces to halt this decline by raising awareness and promoting this meal, which is part of French food culture, in the media. Initially, the Club wanted to target people in precarious situations, by providing "1 million breakfasts" and an educational booklet to 4 charities (Secours Populaire, Croix-Rouge, etc.) in October 2015, then by taking part in "Taste Week" in October 2016. The Club would now like to turn its attention to the younger generation, and is considering ways of promoting the breakfast awareness initiatives set up in secondary schools.
Members :
Unijus, Syndilait, CNIEL, Syndicat des Boulangers-Pâtissiers du Grand Paris, Chambre syndicale française de la levure (CSFL).Coalition "Let's halve administrative delays"
Coalition "Let's halve administrative delays"
Founded : 2016
The Coalition was created in autumn 2016, ahead of the presidential and legislative elections, with a simple aim: to alert the candidates to the urgent need to reinvigorate our economy, which is weighed down by red tape. To do this, it brought together representatives from all sectors of activity around one idea: to halve administrative delays. Today, the initiative brings together six sectors of activity (agriculture, housing, energy, tourism, infrastructure and consultancy) to raise awareness among public decision-makers of the urgent need to simplify and reduce administrative timeframes. Our initiative has the support of 35 members of parliament from all political persuasions.
Digital and Territories Club
Digital and Territories Club
The Club was launched at the end of 2016 in conjunction with the Commission Supérieure du Numérique et des Postes (CSNP) and companies and federations in the sector to drive forward solutions for trusted digital. The Club aims to accelerate the development of a sovereign and ethical digital ecosystem, by raising public authorities' awareness of the opportunities brought about by trusted solutions.
Members : UPCITI, Ouishare
Prevention & Health Club
Prevention & Health Club
Launched in March 2018 by Dr Philippe Denormandie and Marc Teyssier d'Orfeuil, the Cercle Prévention & Santé is working with its partners to integrate prevention into the heart of our healthcare system on a long-term basis, thereby making it more effective, attractive and at the service of its users.
The aim of the Cercle is to mobilise all the stakeholders involved in prevention to ensure that all public policies in support of health are consistent. As a forum for exchanges between prevention players and public authorities, it has a number of missions :
- Share proposals made by the sector to the public decision-makers (members of the government, local and national elected representatives and administrations);
- Demonstrate the health and economic benefits of preventive measures to improve French people's health and ensure the future of our healthcare system;
- Propose effective levers to support the implementation of an ambitious prevention policy in France;
- Improve access to prevention and care throughout the country to reduce inequalities.
Food, sport, air quality, education, working conditions, preventive medicine, innovation in health, whether individual (vaccination, screening) or collective (behavioural, environmental), prevention is a cross-cutting issue that affects us all at every stage of our lives. The Cercle Prévention & Santé aims to develop concrete proposals and support their implementation.
Members : Conseil national des établissements thermaux (CNETh); Saveurs et Vie; Conseil national de l'Ordre des pédicures-podologues (CNOPP); ENDOmind France; Fédération Française des Psychomotriciens (FFP); Mutuelle Nationale des Hospitaliers (MNH); Réseau Vidi.
Energies & Territories Club
Energies & Territories Club
The Cercle Energies & Territoires brings together all the players committed to the deployment of renewable energies (wind, solar, hydro, marine and river energies, renewable gases, biofuels, biomass, etc.) and represents their voice to national and local public decision-makers.
Members : Compagnie nationale du Rhône, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa, EDF, Engie Solutions, Equans, FEDENE, France Marémoteur, Innergex, Solvéo Energie, TotalEnergies.
French Alliance for Carbon Neutrality
French Alliance for Carbon Neutrality
Launched in 2021, the French Alliance for Carbon Neutrality brings together companies with very high ambitions in terms of climate. Our partners include representatives from a wide range of sectors, including food, services, energy, health and construction Our members are highly committed and at the same time are faced with a climate of mistrust surrounding voluntary corporate commitments among politicians, NGOs and consumers. Against this backdrop, our Alliance aims to:
- Be a laboratory for best practices / feedback / exchange of ideas on carbon neutrality and the means to achieve it;
- Be a forum for political action and education, through exchanges with decision-makers and shared lobbying.
Members : Vivescia, GSK Laboratory, REALITÉS Group, VINCI Construction, UICB
New Forms of Employment Club
New Forms of Employment Club
Launched in April 2023, Club NFE aims to consolidate the use of new forms of employment (freelancing, freelance administration, auto-entrepreneurship) in order to take account of workers' new aspirations and make self-employment a real alternative to companies' recruitment difficulties. Together with its founding partners (Groupement des Hôtelleries et Restaurations de France, les Traiteurs de France, Brigad, Extracabra and FinStart), Club NFE wants to be part of this movement to diversify employment statuses and promote multi-activity.
Alliance for Compost
Alliance for Compost
Created in 2023, the Alliance brings together all the public and private players involved in source separation and recovery of biowaste: producers of home compostable products, biowaste collection and management operators, local authorities, institutions, etc.
The aim is to support and accelerate the sorting of biowaste at source by setting up specific collections and increasing the number of shared composting sites.
Members : Nespresso, Pukka herbs, Agricomposteurs de France
Intermediation and business development consulting
Com'Publics offers support to companies and local authorities in creating or strengthening decentralised cooperation initiatives, developing new services, new activities, new markets, etc.
The experience of Com'Publics consultants in various key sectors enables us to propose and implement development strategies in France or abroad.
This support is aimed at all types of local authorities and companies, from start-ups to multinationals. Com'Publics provides its clients with access to a vast network of investors, insurers, brokers, local banks, investment funds, international lenders, legal advisers, etc., in order to mobilise the relevant contacts and know-how for each situation. We also offer specific expertise in relations between NGOs and the business world.Local Lobbying
Com'Publics runs various forums for elected representatives, bringing together many local authorities through the Club des Maires de la Rénovation Urbaine and the Club Cœur de Ville. For over 25 years, we have also been building strong relationships with local elected representatives (cities, départements, regions) through issues linked to other thematic think & do tanks.
With our strong local roots, we support our partners in their development strategy with local public decision-makers.
Com'Publics also has offices in several French regions, enabling us to strengthen our role between local authorities and its customers.
Support at the international scale
For several years, Com'Publics has also been working on the African continent and with European Union decision-makers.
In Africa, through the Club PPP MedAfrique and various local clubs, Com'Publics has built up for over 10 years a strong relationship with several decision-makers and government departments. This relationship focuses mainly on public-private partnerships. Com’Publics has a strong presence from Morocco to the Democratic Republic of Congo, enabling the agency and its partners to be part of an ecosystem of very high-level institutional players, real relays for the implementation of a development strategy.
Com'Publics also has a presence in Brussels, where our dedicated teams visit regularly.
We can help you implement and roll out your strategies at different levels (local, regional, national and European).
Com'Publics is registered in the European Union's Transparency Register.